Programming Topics + CVu Journal Vol 31, #2 - May 2019
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Title: Assembly Club

Author: Bob Schmidt

Date: 04 May 2019 23:29:37 +01:00 or Sat, 04 May 2019 23:29:37 +01:00

Summary: Ian Bruntlett compares dialects of assembly code.


The first rule of Assembly Club is that no-one writes assembly. This article is not intended to teach anyone assembly language, but to help them on that journey. For these particular adventures, I used Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (64 bit, x86_64) on a refurbished ThinkPad.

Here are the packages I installed:

When it comes to assembler, there are two major dialects – Intel and AT&T. Intel syntax is supported by the bulk of the tutorials and the GNU tools default to AT&T syntax. However, they can be persuaded to accept Intel syntax (experience indicates it is a bit of a compromise).

The other reasons why programmers prefer Intel syntax over AT&T syntax can be found from the manual:

For me, I have a basic rule of thumb to handle the differences between Intel code and AT&T code. For AT&T syntax code, think of the comma between operands as ‘to’ and for Intel syntax code think of the comma as ‘equals’.

How did I get here?

I learned assembly language on the Sinclair QL and Intel x86 processors. I am not an expert these days. I got to grips with Linux by reading How Linux Works [1] and The Linux Command Line [2]. I am currently reading two books and referring to online resources. The books are Introduction to 64 bit Assembly Programming with Linux and OSX [3] and Low-Level Programming [4]. As I progress, I am assembling a scrap book consisting of my findings.

Versions of Hello World

%include ""
global _start

section .data
message: db 'hello, world!', 10

section .text
  ; 1 system call number should be stored in rax
    mov     rax, __NR_write
  ; argument #1 in rdi: where to write (descriptor)?
    mov     rdi, 1
  ; argument #2 in rsi: where does the string start?
    mov     rsi, message
  ; argument #3 in rdx: how many bytes to write?
    mov     rdx, 14
  ; this instruction invokes a system call
  mov rax, __NR_exit ; 60 exit
  mov rdi, 0         ; exit code
Listing 1
# Writes "Hello, World" to the console.
# To assemble and run:
# gcc -c hello.s && ld hello.o && ./a.out        or
# gcc -nostdlib hello.s && ./a.out               or
# as -a=hello.lis --gstabs -o hello.o hello.s
# ld -o hello hello.o
    .include ""
    .global _start
    # write(1, message, 13)
    mov $__NR_write, %rax  # system call code
    mov $1, %rdi           # file handle 1 is stdout
    mov $message, %rsi     # address of string to output
    mov $message_len, %rdx # number of bytes
      # invoke operating system to do the write
    mov $__NR_exit, %rax # system call code
    xor %rdi, %rdi       # we want return code 0
    syscall              # invoke operating system to exit

   .ascii "Hello, world\n"
   .equ   message_len, . - message
Listing 2
  .global _start  # was global start

  .data           # was section .rodata
msg: .ascii  "Hello, world!\n"
     .equ msglen, . - msg

  .text            # was section.text
  mov %rax, 1      #; write(
  mov %rdi, 1      #; STDOUT_FILENO,
  lea %rsi, msg    #; "Hello, world!\n",
  mov %rdx, msglen #; sizeof("Hello, world!\n")
  syscall          #; );
  mov %rax, 60     #; exit(
  mov %rdi, 0      #; EXIT_SUCCESS
  syscall          #; );
Listing 3
ASFLAGS= -a=$*.lis --gstabs

hello-intel : hello-intel.o
  ld -o hello-intel hello-intel.o
fib : fib.s
  gcc -ggdb -no-pie -o fib fib.s
hola : hola.s
  gcc -ggdb -no-pie -o hola hola.s
hello : hello.o
  ld -o hello hello.o
all : hello hola fib

  rm -f hello *.o *.lis
  rm -f printf hola fib hello-intel
Listing 4

Debugging – gdb

I am no expert on gdb. I have spent a lot of energy just getting things to build and run properly. However, I’ve downloaded a copy of the GDB Quick Reference and pasted it into my assembly scrap book. You start the debugger with gdb executable-name. If gdb reports that it is ‘reading symbols’, you have managed to create an executable with debug symbols available. You can also check this by typing file executable-name at a shell prompt. Once in the debugger, there are a whole load of commands available (see the available online documentation). Once in the debugger, I tend to set things up with these commands:

  break _start
  layout src

and then I use either the step command or the next commands to trace through the code.

The future

There is a free book available online – Intel 64-bit Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu [7] – that I will be working through. And I will be using Google and accu-general for help as well.

Thank you

I would like to thank Tom Hughes, Bill Somerville, Jonathan Wakely and Ahtu Truu for their patience and help on accu-general.


[1] Ward, Brian (2014) How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know (2nd ed.), No Starch Press, ISBN-13: 978-1593275679

[2] Shotts, William E. Jr. (2019) The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction (2nd ed.), No Starch Press, ISBN-13: 978-1593279523

[3] Seyfarth, Ray (2014) Introduction to 64 Bit Assembly Programming for Linux and OS X (3rd ed.), CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN-13: 978-1484921906

[4] Zhirkov, Igor (2017) Low-Level Programming: C, Assembly, and Program Execution on Intel 64 Architecture, Apress, ISBN-13: 978-1484224021

[5] The source of the example, and also a learning resource:


[7] x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu by Ed Jorgensen (2019),

Other resources used when learning assembly

Ian Bruntlett On and off, Ian has been programming for some years. He is a volunteer system administrator (among other things) for a mental health charity called Contact ( He is learning low-level and other, higher-level, aspects of programming.


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