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Title: Getting Personal
Author: Bob Schmidt
Date: 05 March 2018 16:15:54 +00:00 or Mon, 05 March 2018 16:15:54 +00:00
Summary: Chris Oldwood considers the effect of personal choice on delivering software.
The history of software development is littered with wars between factions who have differing opinions on various aspects of the way it should be analysed, designed, presented, tested, etc. Aside from the tabs vs spaces debate the other giant flame war is almost certainly around the choice of text editor – vi vs emacs. While the devotees of each side remain steadfast in their cause there are other groups who seek to douse the flames either by making the point a moot one (the ‘pragmatists’) or by taking choice away altogether by mandating a preference. This latter approach can, and does make sense in various circumstances, but it often gets taken too far so that even when it doesn’t matter the only choice is effectively Hobson’s choice – no choice at all.
Consistency – the sacred altar
When it comes to tooling, most notably in the enterprise arena, the organisation will classically play its trump card – consistency. In its endeavour to treat IT as a cost centre, and therefore be made as efficient as possible, their desire appears to be to limit the choice of tooling as much as possible on the premise that it’s then easier to move ‘resources’ around because there will be a shorter learning curve, at least technology wise. Hence technology stacks tend to be limited to a set of core languages and products, both for the system being built and the supporting development ‘infrastructure’, i.e. CI service, test framework, deployment tools, etc.
Don’t get me wrong, consistency of tooling is undeniably important. The modern ‘virtual machine’ approach to runtimes such as the JVM and .Net allow for different components to be written in entirely different languages and paradigms, but actually using a multitude of languages within the same application is likely to cause more friction than it solves unless the team are all seriously experienced polyglots. Similarly, maintaining your own personal build scripts because you don’t like the team’s is unlikely to be the best use of one’s time either. One size never fits all but a few well picked sizes might fit most problems well enough that the cost/benefit ratio is favourable without being over constraining.
Essentially we are talking about architectural level stuff here – the kind of choices where changing your mind or going against the grain is likely to incur some non-trivial expense, usually in the form of time, and therefore indirectly in money.
Room for personal taste
Consistency however is also not the end of the argument. Just as my choice of desktop wallpaper or text editor font or colour scheme does not impact what I deliver, so the same goes for a number of tooling choices in the overall development process. Sadly there appears to be a lack of recognition that software development is far more than simply churning out source code with an IDE. There are numerous additional activities whilst programming such as research, design, documenting, testing, support, etc. that demand very little consistency in tooling as the tools themselves provide no material impact on the delivered artefacts (source code, documentation, etc.), particularly when the artefact is of a common, interoperable file format such a text file.
In an earlier episode of this column [1] I described how the answer to the simple question of ‘what tool do you use to find text’ is a complex affair with a dizzying array of answers that all depend heavily on the context of the problem and the familiarity of the tools at hand. I am far more au fait with the command line switches of the classic Unix grep tool than I am of the Windows built-in find and findstr despite spending virtually my entire career to date on that one platform. Over the years Microsoft have added a few more command line tools here and there but many essentials, like curl and tar are only just seeing the light of day which means we have to rely on third parties to fill the void; or create our own [2]. There is an air of irony about being labelled ‘inconsistent’ when you prefer to use the same tools as the wider development community over the smaller organisational sized one.
There is perhaps one area where differences in tooling could generate some unnecessary friction and that is when pairing or mobbing on a problem. The entire premise of the exercise is to share one machine and focus on solving the problem together by allowing anyone to just get on and move the solution further forward by being able to take over control of the keyboard and ‘just start typing’. Putting a copy of Vim in front of an entrenched Visual Studio developer or a Cygwin bash prompt towards a CMD prompt die-hard is not going to be a recipe for rapid progression if the impedance mismatch is a continual distraction.
That’s the theory, but I’m happy to report that I’ve found it doesn’t really play out like that in practice, at least not with those people I’ve paired with. Whilst the keyboard may not have moved around quite as freely as you might hope, it’s fairly easy to remain focused on the problem and type enough of a snippet to get your point across without having to go on and produce production ready refactored code or a blazing one-liner; the ‘driver’ can easily adapt and finish off your ‘scribbles’.
If anything I prefer watching other people using other tools because that’s when you get to see what you’re missing out on. A perfect example of this was multi-cursor support in Sublime Text.
Common battlegrounds
The following non-exhaustive list contains some of the bigger areas of contention that have arisen in the past for which I personally feel are outside the scope of effecting delivery and provide a significant enough impact on productivity that it’s worth fighting for.
Version control system client
The war on version control systems is over – git won. Unfortunately, like databases, teams rarely switch their VCSs at the flick of a switch. Consequently the long tail contains CVS, Visual SourceSafe, Subversion, TFS, etc. Even Microsoft has seen the light of day and git is now promoted to a first class citizen in its ongoing transformation. What this means is that for those of us who have already experienced the benefits of a distributed VCS, such as git or Mercurial, will find any means possible to continue using it even if the back-end isn’t either of those.
One of the earliest bridges to be included with git was for Subversion and it’s obvious to see why as Subversion was itself a logical step on from CVS for many organisations. If you’ve ever messed up your working copy trying to integrate the latest changes from the repo, ‘git svn’ is worth the price of admission alone to avoid that expensive mistake. (Arguably smaller commits also minimises the loss and is better from an integration perspective.)
In a similar vein ‘git tfs’ is a bridge for talking to Microsoft’s heavily ridiculed Team Foundation Server. If you’re using TFS without gated check-ins it pretty much works out of the box and understands the normal branching convention (like the Subversion bridge), although personally I have always avoided branching with TFS. If you do have gated check-ins then, when you push, it will invoke the standard TFS commit dialog to invoke its custom workflow. It also supports automatically attaching commits to work items using the normal ‘#<id>’ convention in the commit message.
Code analysis & refactoring
One assumes that the starting point for this reluctance to allow programmers the freedom to use their own choice of tools stems from the need to restrict the download and installation of any third party software. Whilst I understand some of the reasons why – security and licensing [3] – they do not make it easy for those of us who wish to use our own purchases of professional, licensed software tools on site (license permitting, of course). It would be ludicrous to expect a carpenter or plumber to arrive at your house and fix your problem only with the tools laying around the garage or kitchen, but for some contract positions that scenario is not quite as absurd as you might think.
One category of tools that falls squarely into this category are those plug-ins and extensions to common major development products, such as IDEs, which perform on-the-fly code analysis and refactoring. In particular Whole Tomato’s Visual Assist and JetBrains’ ReSharper are two tools which have fast become essential tools for the modern developer that likes to write clean, maintainable code.
For me this particular battle started back in my C++ days with the venerable PC-Lint and Visual Lint tools which, along with Visual Assist provided a useful arsenal of tools for tracking down and fixing those kinds of bugs which C++ is sadly all too famous for. On one contract I was rejected a company licence for PC-Lint (a few hundred dollars back then) and refused the option to use my own license too, but in a delicious twist of irony a few months later I discovered that a colleague (a fellow contractor) had wasted a day and a half tracking down an initialisation bug that would have been picked up by PC-Lint. At contractor rates that bug alone cost the company more than twice the license cost of the tool it refused me access to and it wasn’t the only painfully buried initialisation bug that surfaced later either.
Log viewer
Another tool I shelled out for because there were no decent open source alternatives on Windows at the time was a log file viewer called BareTail. With sterling incredibly favourable against the dollar and the pro version offering all sorts of nice filtering and highlighting options it became my tool of choice. Naturally log files are only read by this tool and not written, and therefore it makes very little sense to control the exact choice and, given than support is usually of a time sensitive nature, I would have thought familiarity with tooling was commendable.
There are a number of excellent freeware tools available now on Windows that have since surpassed BareTail and with logs often being pumped directly into cloud-based logging services the goalposts have moved on significantly here from monitoring a handful of servers. Even so, due to cost reasons these may not be available outside of the production environment and therefore you might still be trawling log files in development and test environments with a traditional set of tools.
File & folder comparison
I’ve never been a big fan of the classic patch file format for displaying diffs in text files, and even less so for doing that in a command prompt window. The ‘diff’ tool is another one of those bread-and-butter tools which is in continual use and yet it has no impact on the delivered artefacts – source files, mostly. Many years ago the diff tool bundled with the version control system you were using was fairly limited – they might only show the two files side-by-side and block colour the edits. Even simple features like ignoring changes due to whitespace were missing.
Once again this is an area where there are number of excellent freeware and open source alternatives that provide a pretty good experience. And there are even products like Semantic Merge which aim to go beyond simpler textural diffs and apply more far intelligence to changes it detects. But even simple features like Beyond Compare’s CSV diff could make a difference to your productivity without resorting to an ‘untrusted’ third party tool.
The only reason I can imagine any company would stop you using products like those from genuine software houses is to avoid any jealousy your co-workers might have.
Web browser
I suspect the only modern battle that can outshine the war around text editors is the one for your favourite web browser. For those actually developing web based services it’s the bane of their life – having to support so many different flavours, even with third party libraries attempting to plug the gaps. Despite being dominant for so many years the tyranny of IE 6 is finally behind us and even the enterprise has graciously accepted that oranges are not the only fruit.
Once again I absolutely understand that if you are developing an in-house web application the business is entirely justified in only putting its money behind supporting the preferred ‘house’ option. However many of us write traditional, non-web based applications and services or even RESTful services and therefore our choice of browser is likely of very little consequence to delivering our goals. In fact, once again, I suspect familiarly is of more benefit, not for the core browser itself but the bells and whistles.
For those outside the world of IT I suspect their view of the web browser is still rooted in the simple display of text and images / videos. Consequently they would have little cause to investigate the proliferation of extensions and plug-ins the modern browser affords. If you store documentation in your source code repo using some kind of mark-up language then you’ll probably want to view them in their rendered state when reading and browser extensions are one possible choice here. When working on web APIs I found myself trying out a whole bunch of different REST clients, such as Postman and Advanced REST Client, to see which I preferred or had features I found useful. That didn’t cause me to stop using CURL, but they make chaining together REST requests into a ‘journey’ far less painful with their support for variables and response parsing.
Text editors & IDEs
You would think that the problem of editing text was a solved one by now and yet the last few years have still seen remarkable growth in the market with VS Code and JetBrains’ Rider proving that the hearts and minds of developers are still yet to be won.
It’s hard to talk about text editors without crossing over into IDE territory as the face of the IDE is pretty much the text editor. In my couple of decades as a programmer I’ve seen the humble text editor grow into the behemoth that is the modern, bloated IDE as more and more of the build and debug tooling has been grafted on. At the same time the need to automate builds and deployments has also meant that this tooling has had to remain at arm’s length to some degree and therefore it’s still possible to work with just a shell and simple text editor. The folly of proprietary binary project files came and went with JSON now the in-vogue choice for some languages, despite its shortcomings.
The enterprise IDE must seem like a bean counter’s dream – ‘a text editor, build system, debugger and deployment tool all in one package!’ If you’ve worked on a codebase of any appreciable size that only uses the tools that come with the enterprise package you’ll eventually discover their limitations, especially if you want to adopt a heavily automated approach to testing. Ever tried merging or automating testing of an old-fashioned DTS package? This isn’t the product’s fault, but it does put the onus on us to recognise when we’ve outgrown it either because we want more from our delivery process or the technology is moving too fast for it to keep up.
The rise of the polyglot and concepts like ‘infrastructure as code‘ means that we spend far more time editing source files that are not part of the core product we’re delivering. Although you might be writing your REST API in C# you might be using Terraform for your infrastructure, Go for your deployment tools, and a range of batch files, PowerShell scripts and Bash scripts for gluing it all together. Your documentation could be in Markdown, your database support queries in N1QL and have a variety of configuration files using XML, JSON and the classic .ini format.
The natural fallout of all this is that although I might be forced into using the IDE of the company’s choice for the core product, there is still plenty of room to use both open source offerings like VS Code and licensed products such as Sublime Text because they offer certain essential features which are missing from the jack-of-all-trades offering, e.g. multi-cursor support or a plug-in that integrates the Go toolchain directly into it. Editing documentation in markdown format for instance is so much easier when you have the classic source + preview two-pane view like you have in VS Code; and these days I expect everywhere that I have to type any natural language to support spelling and grammar checking too.
If you think we’ve now reached ‘peak IDE’ know that JetBrains has launched a commercial Go-centric IDE for those that need more than what they’re getting from the current crop of plug-ins. VS Code happens to suffice for my Golang purposes at the moment but it’s good to know this is one battle that’s still raging on.
Other stuff
That list has covered all the big ones that immediately spring to mind and yet I can still think of many other areas where I have a different personal taste to my colleagues, such as still using the old fashioned Windows command prompt in preference to PowerShell. Consequently the multi-tabbed ConEmu fills a void you don’t have with its more modern counterpart which, incidentally, shipped with its own IDE. And we haven’t even touched on how the new Windows Subsystem for Linux is going to shake things up. I may finally give up on Gnu on Windows (my preferred bundle of the core Unix command line tools such as grep, sed, awk, etc.) as I’ll have the real deal to use instead.
I don’t currently do much in the way of web based stuff myself but I know from osmosis that the world of transpilers and Node.js adds another heap of tooling choices into the melting point, some of which form part of the end product, whilst others are alternative, portable implementations of existing native tools. Despite what I said about personal build scripts earlier I did once keep my own PSake (PowerShell) based build script alongside the real Gulp (Node.js) one because it saved me a couple of minutes every build not waiting for ‘npm install’ to check its cache. (The team switched over permanently soon after.)
(Executive) Summary
It’s not just in IT that we have our own personal choices in tooling; the same is true in other walks of life. For instance nobody tells you what kind of pen you have to use or whether you should be using lined or clear paper to write your notes on. I happen to favour the gel pens but I know others that still prefer to use traditional ink. I think it’s fair for any organisation to expect me to speak and write documentation in the English language if that’s the one most commonly by them.
What I find objectionable is the lack of distinction between when a choice of tooling affects the deliverable itself as opposed to only affecting the means of delivery, especially when the personal choice would be more beneficial to the team or organisation. Consistency within tooling is not an all or nothing affair – we need to question our choices when delivery might be impacted but also embrace different approaches when possible so that we can learn from our colleagues.
[1] ‘In The Toolbox – Finding Text’, C Vu 27.6,
[2] ‘In The Toolbox – Home-Grown Tools’, C Vu 28.4,
[3] ‘Developer Freedom’, C Vu 26.1,
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