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Title: Parsing Configuration Files in C++ with Boost
Author: Martin Moene
Date: 06 November 2014 18:49:36 +00:00 or Thu, 06 November 2014 18:49:36 +00:00
Summary: Giuseppe Vacanti describes how to deal with program options, C++ style.
In the (Unix) world of command-line tools I inhabit, parsing configuration files is a common first step most of my tools perform before starting a long and complex computation. Although command-line tools may make you think of command-line switches, I often write simulation or data analysis tools that require up to a few tens of parameters to describe either an experiment or a complex geometrical model: not something you want to type out often on the command line. Storing the parameters in a file, possibly allowing the user to perform a command line override of some of them, is one possible solution.
After thinking about the format of these configuration files, I chose to use the INI format. The latter is loosely defined, and a number of variations on the theme exist, some of them rather complex, involving nested sections and entries extending over multiple lines. I have settled for the classical format consisting of a series of key=value
lines, possibly grouped into sections, like the following example:
energy = 10 mass = 22 [detector] position_x = 1 position_y = 2 position_z = 3 [detector.material] atomic_number = 43
I am aware that the format has some limitations, especially when it comes to string values that either extend over multiple lines or contain escaped characters, but I do not care for these features.
There are a number of libraries able to read INI files, but most of them require the client to perform all the work of checking whether parameters are present (or misspelled), and to what type they should be converted. For instance:
ini_file i_f(file_name); if(i_f.has_key(section_name, key_name)){ cout << i_f.key<double>(section_name, key_name) << endl; }
Why this is so can be understood by building a minimal INI file parser in C++. In this parser the INI file could be represented by a map<string, map<string, string> >
, and with a bit of encapsulation one would arrive to the interface in Listing 1.
class ini_file { public: ini_file(istream & is) { ... } bool has_key(const string & section, const string & name) const { Iter p = m_ini.find(section); bool ret_val = false; if(p != m_ini.end()){ section_t & sec = m_ini[section]; ret_val = sec.find(name) != sec.end(); } return ret_val; } template<typename T> T key(const string & section, const string & name) const { assert(has_key(section, name)); return boost::lexical_cast<T> (m_ini[section][name]); } private: typedef map<string, string> section_t; typedef map<string, section_t> ini_t; typedef ini_t::const_iterator Iter; mutable ini_t m_ini; }; |
Listing 1 |
With such a parser the number of checks and conversions the client must perform in order to extract all the required parameters is large, and prone to error.
Enter the Boost library Program Options [1]. The main purpose of the library is to parse command line options, but it offers the possibility to read the options from an INI file, which is exactly what I want. Additionally, the library will check whether a key has a value that can be converted to the appropriate type, it can deal with duplicate/multiple entries (allowed or not allowed), can be used to provide default values for missing keys, and more. In the following I explain how to use the library for this purpose.
Let’s start by going back to my sample INI file, and let us map it to a configuration data structure like the one in Listing 2.
struct configuration { unsigned int version; double energy; double mass; struct detector { double position_x; double position_y; double position_z; struct material { double atomic_number; } material; } detector; }; |
Listing 2 |
Listing 3 is the piece of code that reads the parameters from the configuration file and assigns them to the appropriate variable in the data structure.
configuration cfg; namespace po=boost::program_options; po::options_description desc; desc.add_options() ("version", po::value<unsigned int>(&cfg.version)) ("energy", po::value<double>(& ("mass", po::value<double>(&cfg.mass)) ("detector.position_x", po::value<double>(&cfg.detector.position_x)) ("detector.position_y", po::value<double>(&cfg.detector.position_y)) ("detector.position_z", po::value<double>(&cfg.detector.position_z)) ("detector.material.atomic_number", po::value<double>(&cfg.detector.material.atomic_number)) ; const bool allow_unregistered = false; po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_config_file(std::cin, desc, allow_unregistered), vm); po::notify(vm); |
Listing 3 |
The library lives inside the namespace boost::program_options
, here shortened to po
We must first define a variable of type po::options_description
, and add options to it. We do this by associating a name to a type and the corresponding variable in the configuration structure. Note that keys in a section have their name prefixed with the section name.
Having filled in the options description we can parse the configuration file (in this case passed in through the standard input, but any istream will do). As you can see, we need three lines of code to do this. The reason is that the library allows one to merge options from multiple sources (for instance, default values from a configuration file that can be overridden on the command line), so that multiple calls to po::store
may have to be executed before calling po::notify
, that actually makes the parsing happen.
I mentioned earlier that the library has a number of features that simplify the life of the programmer.
Type checking
A first feature worth mentioning is that if the key value cannot be converted to the type specified, an exception will be thrown. For instance, if the configuration file contained the key
version = one
the program would be terminated with something like Listing 4.
> ./main < example1.cfg terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::program_options::invalid_option_value> >' what(): the argument ('one') for option 'version' is invalid Aborted (core dumped) |
Listing 4 |
Key name checks
What happens if the configuration file contains an extra key, or a key whose name is misspelled? This behaviour can be configured, but in most cases you’ll want the program to tell you by disallowing keys whose name has not been registered, as shown in the example. In this case, if we had
versionx = 1
another exception would be thrown, with the message
what(): unrecognised option 'versionx'
Default values and required keys
What if one of the keys is missing from the configuration file? For instance, comment the version key out:
#version = 1
Without any measure from our part, the variable version will be uninitialized, and it will be assigned some random bit pattern:
version=1710991640 energy=10 mass=22
We have now two options. The first one is to give certain keys a default value, by writing for instance:
("version", po::value<unsigned int> (&cfg.version)->default_value(99))
The second is to make version mandatory
("version", po::value<unsigned int> (&cfg.version)->required())
which leads to an exception when version is absent:
what(): the option 'version' is required but missing
Multiple key instances
By default each key can appear only once in a configuration file, or an error is generated:
what(): option 'version' cannot be specified more than once
But for some keys it may make sense to have multiple values, for instance
energy = 10 energy = 20
We make this possible by changing the declaration of energy to
std::vector<double> energy;
and the option description to
("energy", po::value<std::vector<double>>(&
Multiple configuration sources
There can be multiple sources of configuration data, and these can be processed one after the other to obtain the final configuration. In my case the user may want to have a standard configuration file, and then under some circumstances modify one or more parameters without modifying the standard configuration file. This can be achieved by adding a second call to po::store
, before the first one (the value of a key is set by the first parser that encounters the key name):
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
So now the usage is as shown in Listing 5.
>./main --mass=99 --energy=123 < example1.cfg version=1 description=this is the description energy=123 mass=99 detector.position_x=1 detector.position_y=2 detector.position_z=3 detector.material.atomic_number = 46 |
Listing 5 |
Properties file format
You will have certainly noticed that in the options description code, keys in a section are specified as section.key
, Ã la properties file. And in fact, the library can also ingest a properties file.
Custom types
The library support custom types, as long as they can be handled by Boost Lexical Cast. For a type to be handled by Lexical Cast it must be OutputStreamable, InputStreamable, CopyConstructible, and DefaultConstructible. If your type can be constructed from a string of tokens without any white space character in it, then there is nothing special you have to know.
On the other had, if you have a type like
struct special_type { double x, y; special_type(double x_, double y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {} special_type() : x(0), y(0) {} };
things are not obvious (I had to dig into the Boost archives [2] to figure this one out), and the input stream operator for your type must be written as illustrated below because Lexical Cast does not ignore white space. See Listing 6.
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is, special_type & val) { is >> val.x; if((is.flags() & std::ios_base::skipws) == 0) { char whitespace; is >> whitespace; }; is >> val.y; return is; } |
Listing 6 |
Now the following works
special_type st = boost::lexical_cast<special_type>("12 13");
and as a consequence Program Options can handle something like
special = 99 101.1
and on the command line you can say --special="100 200"
Options style
Being primarily intended for the command line the Program Options library can be configured to handle command line options in various manners (one or two dashes, case sensitive or not etc.). Most of the default style options are not going to cause any surprise, but you want to be aware of the fact that by default Program Options will accept a shorter spelling of an option (or key in a configuration file) if it unambiguously identify the complete option. This is possibly not what you want, in which case you will have to alter this behaviour. Note that this only applies to the command line parser, because the configuration file parser is very strict, case sensitive, and does not allow shortening of the keys.
By combining INI/properties file parsing and command line options parsing in one interface, the Boost Program Options library allows one to easily layer multiple input sources and feed data of moderate complexity into a program. While the file format it supports is not as rich as others, the library has additional functionality that makes it worth considering.
[1] Available at
[2] Start here for the complete story:
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