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Title: A Call to QL Owners
Author: Martin Moene
Date: 28 June 2010 08:50:00 +01:00 or Mon, 28 June 2010 08:50:00 +01:00
I notice from group records that there is a significant number of you out there that use the Sinclair QL either as an only or a secondary machine. I have had more than one enquiry from QL owners about how they can access the CUG library as the QL cannot directly understand the MS-DOS format disks that the library volumes are supplied on.
If you are a QL owner that can access the CUG library by whatever devious means you can devise why not help out your less fortunate fellows. Why not become a SUB LIBRARIAN and offer selected library material to other QL owners on microdrive or native QL disk format?
If you would like to take on this responsibility then drop a line to Martin or
Phil and the library sub-branch will be publicised in the next issue of the newsletter.
The same idea goes for anybody else who can offer access to the library by different means than the central library source can provide. Is there still any call for all those exotic old CP/M formats? How about an Apple Librarian or a Sirius Librarian to offer the service of the library to people with those formats.?
If you want to be a sub-librarian all that I require is that you get the volumes from the library in the usual way and pass any improvements back up to the central library so that they can be shared by all. Any money that you charge in library fees is yours to keep as an incentive for running the service. Don't expect to get rich by it though!
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