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Title: First CUG(UK) A.G.M.
Author: Martin Moene
Date: 28 June 2010 08:55:00 +01:00 or Mon, 28 June 2010 08:55:00 +01:00
Up until now the CUG has been run informally by myself with the help of other members from time to time.
As membership has grown so much in the past six months the time has come to organise the group on a more formal basis with an elected committee.
I have set a provisional date for the first annual general meeting of the group as Saturday 2nd of July 1988. The venue for the meeting has yet to be arranged but will probably be in Birmingham.
The meeting will probably take up a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon.
If you wish to attend the meeting then please write to me NOW so that I can get an idea of the number of people wishing to attend for the booking of a suitable venue. I will reply to everyone wishing to attend nearer the date giving full details of the venue and programme.
The AGM will be a chance to meet your fellow group members face to face. This time no special events are planned but future AGMs could become full C programmers conferences with guest speakers and exhibitions etc.
I particularly want to hear from you if you are willing to be considered for a committee post.
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