Journal Editorial + CVu Journal Vol 1, #2 - Dec 1987
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Title: Editorial

Author: Martin Moene

Date: 20 June 2010 09:00:00 +01:00 or Sun, 20 June 2010 09:00:00 +01:00



Welcome to the second issue of "C Vu", the magazine of the C Users' Group (UK). Since the last issue membership of the group has been going up in leaps and bounds, mainly as a result of a large plug in the user group section of Personal Computer World this month. By whatever route you came to join CUG(UK) you are very welcome!

As you are probably aware, CUG(UK) has two main aims - supporting the C language itself, and also other areas which relate to it. One of these "other areas" is, of course, operating systems. As if to prove the point, we take an in-depth look at the Mirage OS in this issue, and future issues will cover OS-9, Minix and distributed operating systems.

As with any publication, "C Vu" relies heavily on its readers for articles, reviews, etc. Many of you may be fairly new to C and going prematurely grey trying to get the hang of some of C's more idiosyncratic features. Don't just sit there, write to us with your problem and we will try to help. If enough people are interested, we will start a series on C for beginners, or perhaps the occasional article on certain areas (pointers being the obvious example!) This applies to any articles in "C Vu" as well, if you don't understand anything, write in and we'll attempt to explain it.


It's special offer time again! Last issue we brought you the MIX C system at under half price, this time we bring you the rather natty Discovery 1200P Pocket Modem, for under 110 pounds. Full details inside.

CUG(UK) is still in the early stages of development, so you may notice that things seem to change from one issue of "C Vu" to the next. The astute amongst you will have noticed the page numbering went a little awry in our first issue. So, to make sure this doesn't happen again, I've dispensed with page numbers altogether!

People have a wide variety of printers, font sizes, favourite paper sizes, etc. so future issues of "C Vu" (on disk or bulletin boards) will be in PROFF format (or something similar). When I have decided upon this, the necessary programs will appear in the CUG(UK) library, although as PROFF format is pure ASCII it is not essential to have the programs to be able to print out "C Vu".


Please get your letters, articles, and reviews to me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Preferably on disk, in straight ASCII (no margins please!). Mail can be sent via Martin Houston (address on the back page). If everything goes okay, the next issue of "C Vu" can be expected in late March.

Phil J Stubbington Editor


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