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Title: Letters to the Editor
Author: Administrator
Date: 08 August 2003 13:15:59 +01:00 or Fri, 08 August 2003 13:15:59 +01:00
I've just received this month's copy of C Vu. You can imagine my surprise in seeing my name quoted in such glowing terms! Whilst it *is* nice to receive compliments, for which my thanks, I feel something of a fraud. After all, all I did was send a fellow student a spare book I had! I hope that Michael derives some benefit from it and that his circumstances improve soon. Believe me, I know what it's like to be out of work having been there myself at one time (and hopefully never again!).
I will end on one piece of advice for students who, like Michael and myself, are trying to learn C++. Take it slowly as it's far from easy: the Pascal, Modula-2 and old-fashioned C from my university days are a breeze by comparison!
Thanks for the reply and sorry to single you out - don't let this stop you from random acts of kindness in the future, I'll leave you alone, I promise. In truth, I know that this wasn't a big deal: I would like to think that I might do the same, as would a number of other ACCU members I have the pleasure of knowing (and I'm sure many I do not). But the fact that it's not a big deal is sadly not as universal as we might like, so you'll just have to live with occasional compliments! James
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