Letters to the Editor + CVu Journal Vol 15, #3 - Jun 2003
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Title: Letters to the Editor

Author: Administrator

Date: 08 June 2003 13:15:57 +01:00 or Sun, 08 June 2003 13:15:57 +01:00



C++ Primer book review - thank you.

Dear Francis and the team at ACCU,

It has been quite some time since we initially looked at organising a reader survey for the forthcoming 4th edition of the C++ Primer by Stan Lippman, Barbara Moo and Josée from Addison Wesley.

The survey was very successful, and the editors and teams at Addison Wesley in the US are currently completing the analysis of the survey. We appreciated all your assistance and support in promoting this survey to your members. In our initial offer to the members of the ACCU, 5 members had the chance to win an Addison Wesley book of their choice for taking part in the survey. I am now pleased to announce the winners and their choice of book.

Nigel Rafferty

who chose 'Advanced CORBA Programming with C++' by Michi Henning and Steve Vinoski

Paul Johnson

who chose 'C++ Templates: The Complete Guide' by David Vandevoorde and Nicolai M. Josuttis

Alan Lenton

who chose 'C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design' by Stephen Dewhurst

David Sykes

who chose 'Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software' by Erich Gamma et al

John Kewley

who chose 'Modern C++ Design' by Andrei Alexandrescu

The winners are now all receiving their books. I wondered if you'd announce these details in the next C Vu and whether you were interested in supporting this by reviewing these books along side the announcement?

Thank you again for your support and please let me know if you're interested in reviewing these books in the next C Vu.

Kind Regards

Melanie Backe-Hansen

PR Executive - Professional Computing

Consider this an announcement; I will be contacting the recipients of these prizes to ask them for brief comments on their choice of books. - James


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