Letters to the Editor + CVu Journal Vol 12, #5 - Sep 2000
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Title: The Wall

Author: Administrator

Date: 08 September 2000 13:15:39 +01:00 or Fri, 08 September 2000 13:15:39 +01:00



Classifying Modes of Thinking

Hi Francis

Just got my copy of C Vu (it may have been delivered up to two weeks ago but I'm working away from home).

I agree (in a type B sort of way) that brain types are very different and suitable for different tasks. Couldn't the universities classify new entrants to enhance their learning and career potential by focusing on their strengths? I'm sure the psychologists could devise some written test to achieve this, the tests of Dr Meredith Belbin seem to work well. I've done a few Belbin tests in the past and their results were quite accurate - they also give you an idea of how other people perceive you - frightening as the views of others can be very different from your own self image!

With talk of standards by Alan and the letter from myself I would hope to get some feedback. I'll give it a few days, if nothing happens I'll start something on accu-general to get the ball rolling for feedback. If members think it's a good idea I'm happy to make a start, I can't promise 20 hours a week - slow but sure sounds workable. Ah well, must dash; busy-busy-busy!

Universities often seem very reluctant to consider ways of improving communication between student and lecturer/tutor. If only we could get more people to understand that different individuals have different needs.


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